Cybersecurity - why is this hot topic now?

Technological progress has meant that almost everyone has access to the Internet today. This invention makes everyday life much easier. However, apart from information and entertainment, the Internet is a source of many threats. By being aware of them, they can be avoided more easily.

You can protect yourself against most of the dangers associated with using the Internet by people who can manage the most important topics in Security area. Network security is a key area for running a business effectively. Companies must protect their networks, applications, data and IT resources used in them against threats resulting from cyberattacks. All this to guarantee stability and continuity of operation.

Who is The Cybersecurity Engineer?

Information protection in companies is a very important element of its internal policy. In the article we present what are the Cybersecurity Experts responsibilities.

The main tasks of Cybersecurity Specialists are:

·      risk analysis and assessment,
·      tracking security vulnerabilities and identifying incidents,
·      data protection against data leaks and sensitive information,
·       appropriate network configuration,
·       creating security policies and reports,
·       cooperation with programmers at the level of creating systems and applications,
·       using passwords resistant to dictionary cracking and changing them regularly - forcing users to use appropriately constructed passwords.
·       education of people employed in a given organization,
·       creating procedures for a possible attack,

Therefore, analyzing the level of threats, testing the tightness of security, recognizing and neutralizing attacks are the daily duties of a security specialist. They depend on the area in which he works.

During times of geopolitical conflict or war, it's not uncommon for cyberattacks to increase in frequency and intensity. These cyberattacks may target various entities, including government agencies, critical infrastructure, military organizations, and private-sector companies.

Cyberattacks in times of conflict can take various forms, such as:

·      Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) Attacks: These attacks aim to disrupt online services and websites by overwhelming them with traffic.

·      Data Breaches: Hackers may attempt to gain unauthorized access to sensitive data, including government records, military intelligence, and financial information.

·      Ransomware Attacks: Cybercriminals may deploy ransomware to encrypt the data of targeted organizations, demandinga ransom in exchange for decryption keys.

·      Disinformation Campaigns: State-sponsored or hacktivist groups may engage in spreading false information or propaganda to influence public opinion.

·      Sabotage of Critical Infrastructure: In some cases, cyberattacks may target critical infrastructure, such as power grids or water supply systems, with the potential to disrupt essentialservices.

·      Phishing and Social Engineering: Threat actors often use social engineering tactics to trick individuals intorevealing sensitive information or downloading malware.

The extent to which cyberattacks increase during a conflict depends on various factors, including the nature of the conflict, the capabilities of the involved actors, and their motivations. Government agencies, military organizations, and cybersecurity experts typically closely monitor and respond to these threats during such periods.

To protect our companies it is worth to invest in Cybersecurity Engineers.

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